Class InjectorModule<C, IMPORT>



Type Parameters

  • C extends {
        [name: string]: any;
    } = any

  • IMPORT = InjectorModule<any, any>


  • InjectorModule



config: C = ...
configDefinition?: ClassType<any>
exported: boolean = false
exports: any[] = []
exportsDisabled: boolean = false
globalSetupProviderRegistry: SetupProviderRegistry = ...
id: number = ...
imports: InjectorModule<any, InjectorModule<any, any>>[] = []
injector?: Injector

The built injector. This is set once an Injector for this module has been created.

parent?: InjectorModule<any, InjectorModule<any, any>>
preparedProviders?: PreparedProvider[]
providers: ProviderWithScope<any>[] = []
root: boolean = false

Whether this module is for the root module. All its providers are automatically exported and moved to the root level.

setupProviderRegistry: SetupProviderRegistry = ...


  • Prepared the module for a injector tree build.

    • Index providers by token so that last known provider is picked (so they can be overwritten).
    • Register TagProvider in TagRegistry
    • Put TagProvider in providers if not already made.
    • Put exports to parent's module with the reference to this, so the dependencies are fetched from the correct module.


    Returns PreparedProvider[]

  • Allows to register additional setup calls for a provider in the whole module tree. The injector token needs to be available in the local module providers.

    Returns a object that reflects the API of the given ClassType or token. Each call is scheduled and executed once the provider is created by the dependency injection container.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • order: number = 0
    • Optional classTypeOrToken: ReceiveType<T>

    Returns ConfigureProvider<T extends ClassType<C> ? C : T>

  • Allows to register additional setup calls for a provider in this module. The injector token needs to be available in the local module providers. Use setupGlobalProvider to register globally setup calls (not limited to this module only).

    Returns a object that reflects the API of the given ClassType or token. Each call is scheduled and executed once the provider is created by the dependency injection container.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • order: number = 0
    • Optional classTypeOrToken: ReceiveType<T>

    Returns ConfigureProvider<T extends ClassType<C> ? C : T>

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