Class RpcKernel

The kernel is responsible for parsing the message header, redirecting to peer if necessary, loading the body parser, and encode/send outgoing messages.


  • RpcKernel



RpcKernelConnection: typeof RpcKernelConnection = RpcKernelConnection
autoInjector: boolean = false
connections: RpcKernelConnections = ...
controllers: Map<string, {
    controller: ClassType<any>;
    module: InjectorModule<any, InjectorModule<any, any>>;
}> = ...
injector: InjectorContext
logger: LoggerInterface = ...
onConnectionListeners: OnConnectionCallback[] = []
peerExchange: RpcPeerExchange = ...
security: RpcKernelSecurity = ...


  • This registers the controller and no custom InjectorContext was given adds it as provider to the injector.

    Note: Controllers can not be added to the injector when the injector was already built.


    • controller: ClassType<any>
    • Optional id: string | ControllerDefinition<any>
    • Optional module: InjectorModule<any, InjectorModule<any, any>>

    Returns void

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