Interface WebServerOptions


  • WebServerOptions


host: string
httpsPort?: number

If httpsPort and ssl is defined, then the https server is started additional to the http-server.

In a production deployment, you usually want both, http and https server. Set port: 80 and httpsPort: 443 to have both.

keepAliveTimeout?: number

HTTP Keep alive timeout.

port: number

Defins the port of the http server. If ssl is defined, this port is used for the https server. If you want to have http and https at the same time, use httpsPort accordingly.

selfSigned?: boolean

When true keys & certificates are created on-the-fly (for development purposes). Should not be used in production.

server?: Server

When external server should be used. If this is set, all other options are ignored.

ssl: boolean

Enables HTTPS. Make sure to pass sslKey and sslCertificate as well (or use sslOptions).

sslCa?: string
sslCertificate?: string
sslCrl?: string
sslKey?: string
sslOptions?: SecureContextOptions & TlsOptions

If defined https.createServer is used and all options passed as is to it. Make sure to pass key and cert, as described in Node's https.createServer() documentation. See

varPath: string

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